Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Is there anything more fun than planning for vacation?  I love that part almost as much as the vacation itself.

This year we're taking our sons on their first "real" vacation.  "Real" in this instance would mean that we're not going stay at a relative's house.  Because of their jobs, my husband's brothers have provided some fabulous vacation opportunities - from Raleigh, NC to Spokane, WA.  Our oldest is 16, the youngest son is 12 and it's a perfect time for them to see our nation's capital.  We have no relatives there.  So, it'll be just us and hopefully a couple friends who can tell us where a good seafood restaurant is.

I've started planning.  Did I mention that I love this part?  Since we're driving, we've got an itinerary penciled out.  Found a deal on a hotel, got the tour tickets ordered.  Someone might need a new app or two for their iPod/iPhone.  The boys sandals fit.  So do my shorts from last year!  I tell ya, I'm ready to pack but we leave in two weeks.

Something else occurred to me this morning.  Are we planning for that vacation known as "eternity?"  Are we looking forward to that destination as much as we're enjoying the journey?  I'm thinking that would involve all those things that are spiritually good for us.  So, let's start packing - weekend Mass (a weekday or two if we can, too), reconciliation, adoration, and quenching our spiritual thirst by learning about our faith.  Can't think of a better way to make it a wonderful trek!

Sunscreen - ran out of that last summer,  I know I have to buy some before we go.  And some bifocal sunglasses, too.

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