Monday, November 22, 2010


I have 19 RSVP's for our Advent Retreat on Dec. 4.  We'll be studying about Mary, who spent her advent preparing for the arrival of her son.  I truly pray this day reminds us to prepare for the arrival of Mary's Son.

If you're coming to the retreat, you'll want a pencil/pen, maybe a highlighter and your Bible.  We'll pray, read, have quiet meditation, small groups and I'll even share my new super-easy fudge!

Just 3 more days to Thanksgiving before we greet a beautiful time of year.  Send a card to your aged aunt, uncle or someone in a nursing home, phone a relative far away, say a Rosary for our seminarians and those who are discerning the priesthood or religious life.  There are so many little ways to make this the most wonderful time of the year, and the most blessed time of the year.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Because you never know...

Remember the women's retreat we had last summer in Fort Dodge?  There were recordings made, but we're still waiting for them, right?  Well, that's why God is in charge of the "big picture."

I talked to the retreat master (Gina) today and asked when they would be coming, here's what I found out.

She gave the original recordings to a young college student to edit them for sound, making sure they weren't too quiet or too loud.  This kid's going to school for this type of work and this was his first project so it took a little longer than usual.

It gets better....

This young man used to be Catholic, and after listening to these CD's to edit them, he's coming back to the Church.  It was this conference that changed this guy, please keep him in your prayers!  These CD's are anointed, don't ya think?

BWY, I've talked to Gina about scheduling a date for 2011.  Got any ideas?

Living with sons

He calls it "marking my territory".

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Living Stones - part 2

In doing some research for the Dec. 4 retreat, I came across this site.

Here's his reflection for 1st Peter 2:

At an opportune time Jesus tests his disciples with a crucial question: Who do men say that I am and who do you say that I am? He was widely recognized in Israel as a mighty man of God, even being compared with the greatest of the prophets, John the Baptist, Elijah, and Jeremiah. Peter, always quick to respond, exclaimed that he was the Christ, the Son of the living God.  No mortal being could have revealed this to Peter; but only God. Jesus then confers on Peter authority to govern the church that Jesus would build, a church that no powers would overcome. Jesus plays on Peter's name which is the same word for "rock" in both Aramaic and Greek.  To call someone a "rock" is one of the greatest of compliments. The ancient rabbis had a saying that when God saw Abraham, he exclaimed: "I have discovered a rock to found the world upon". Through Abraham God established a nation for himself. Through faith Peter grasped who Jesus truly was.  He was the first apostle to recognize Jesus as the Anointed One (Messiah and Christ) and the only begotten Son of God. The New Testament describes the church as a spiritual house or temple with each member joined together as living stones (see 1 Peter 2:5). Faith in Jesus Christ makes us into rocks or spiritual stones. The Lord Jesus tests each of us personally with the same question: Who do you say that I am?
"Lord Jesus, I profess and believe that you are the Christ, the Son of the living God. You are my Lord and my Savior. Make my faith strong like Peter's and give me boldness to speak of you to others that they may come to know you personally as Lord and Savior and grow in the  knowledge of your love".

Monday, November 8, 2010

Retreat - Living Stones

We had a DCCW board retreat last weekend.  The topic was Living Stones.  I have to admit that I was, at first, somewhat disappointed about being called a rock.

I drive by millions of stones every day to and from work.  Perhaps the most inanimate thing we know is - rocks.  They only get to go somewhere unless another force moves them.  They lay by the side of the road, they get hauled in trucks.  Some are pretty, a lot are pretty plain.  But what the heck is a living stone?  And, why should I be one?

Our scripture for the day was from 1 Peter 2.  After some pondering, I recalled that it was written by, duh, Peter!  And what does "Peter" means.  Rock.  I wondered if Peter liked being called a rock.  And if Peter was a Rock, shouldn't I be honored to be a stone?

A song that Fr. Jim played throughout the day was "Living Stones" by Michael Card.  Fabulous song.  It's from Card's A Fragile Stone album, here's the lyrics, you can listen here!

Living stones, living stones
We are holy, living stones
Built upon the firm foundation
That is Jesus
And as we cling to that Rock
Who became a Stumbling Block
We remember we are living stones

See, in Zion He is known
As a chosen precious cornerstone
And the ones who come to trust in Him
Will never know the shame
That He bore on that Cross when it seems
That all was lost
He is a Stone that makes men stumble
The Rock that makes them fall

By the Word of His mouth
We are made one holy house
Though we live as scattered strangers
We are not homeless, we are free
We are one family and one fold
One Overseer of our souls
Says we are His own possession
We are living stones

A good retreat stays with you.  And this one did - all weekend long.  Why do we want to be a living stone?  And what is it, really?

Check out Presentation Ministries' reflection for Nov. 9.  Now we know!  We want to be part of that firm foundation of the Church!  We're part of the foundation, but we have to be living to add more stones to the faith.  So, mystery solved.  And, if it's good enough for Jesus and Peter and the disciples, then it's good enough for me and you.


"You too are living stones, built as an edifice of spirit, into a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." —1 Peter 2:5
God's plan of salvation is to build a new temple, "an edifice of spirit" (1 Pt 2:5), the Church. This temple is not built with inanimate stones, but living ones. Jesus is "a living Stone, rejected by men but approved, nonetheless, and precious in God's eyes" (1 Pt 2:4). He is the Foundation Stone (1 Cor 3:11) and the Cornerstone (1 Pt 2:6-7). The apostles and prophets are also living stones and part of the temple's foundation (Eph 2:20-22). In a special way, the apostle Peter and his successors are a rock on which Jesus decided to build this new temple, the Church (Mt 16:18).
We "too are living stones." We can decide to become part of "this temple, to become a dwelling place for God in the Spirit" (Eph 2:22), or we can be co-opted into being part of one of the devil's strongholds (see 2 Cor 10:4). We decide to become part of the Church by believing in Jesus and His word (1 Pt 2:7-8). We express this faith by being baptized and living our baptisms. This means we witness for Jesus to lead others to Him and to His Church. We work to build up the Church and live in the community of the Church. We are faithful members of the Catholic Church through our dioceses, of our dioceses through our parishes, and of our parishes through our small communities.
Love the Church and be a faithful member of the Church.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Free Song!

The Daughters of St. Paul have a free song for November.  It is In Paradisum and on their Chant CD.  It is available at this link.  You need to to register for a free account to download the free song.

The Stella Maris album is great, too.  I'll have that one with me on Dec. 4!

Some "don't miss" shows on EWTN this week

Mon., Nov. 8, Peggy Bowes will be on The Journey Home with Marcus Grodi.  Peggy is a revert and author of the book, The Rosary Workout.  Her website is

Johnnette Benkovic is one of the most incredible Catholic women I've heard and will be on with Fr. Mitch on Wednesday.  If you get near a Lighthouse CD display, look for her CD entitled "For Love and Marriage."  She's host of Women of Grace, also on EWTN, she's author of Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant Life, book and study.  They've recently reformatted the Canticle magazine, I'm curious to see what it's like.  Johnnette's website is

I'd just as well print this out or set my DirecTV for autotune so I remember, too!

Peggy Bowes, revert. 

Friday, November 5, 2010

Mary's Choice Fundraiser

Catholic Globe reporter, Rosemary, is having an Advent fund-raiser for Mary's Choice!  She is also part of a pro-life marathon team known as the LIFE (Living in Faith Exchange) Runners.  They run to raise money to help pregnancy crisis centers.  Rosemary has made Mary's Choice her center to help.

I have to admire those marathon runners.  I hate running!  Running errands is about as far as I get.  So, check out her website, maybe we can even find some Christmas gifts.  Try some vitamins - we may get healthier and helped out Mary's Choice.

For every $5 spent at Rosemary's website, $1 will go to Mary's Choice.  Shipping is free for orders $75 and over (and MC gets $15!)

Her goal is to raise $300 by the end of January.  Help out if you can!

Her website is


One topic that Michael Voris talked about was apologetics.  When we're asked why Catholics do what we do, it's no longer good enough to answer "because."

This article has been hanging around my laptop screen for a while.  Take a peek, maybe it'll springboard to new learning.

12 Claims Every Catholic Should Be Able To Answer

The Winery and Michael Voris

If you didn't get to see Michael Voris at Santa Maria Winery last night (Thurs.), you missed an intensive thought-provoking speaker.  And a fabulous dinner, wonderful company and a great glass (or 2) of wine.

Michael's tell-it-like-it-is program told the audience that it's time to stand up for what you believe, and to be true to the True Church, even if it comes at a price.  That's how Saints are made and that's what it's going to take to make a change in our world, even if that world is our own parish.

He his website is and has a daily video, too.

Hold on to your hats - here's today's Vortex