Sunday, May 16, 2010

Pope Benedict XVI stresses evangelization, too!

Leaving Portugal, the Pope insisted that Catholics cannot be passive, but must always seek to bring others closer to God. He said:

"We must overcome the temptation to restrict ourselves to what we already have, or think we have, safely in our possession: it would be sure death in terms of the Church’s presence in the world; the Church, for that matter, can only be missionary, in the outward movement of the Spirit."

Even the pope says it's time to evangalize. Where do we find Evangelization 101?  Where can we learn how to be confident in teaching our faith?  How uncanny that my friend, Mary, has just given me a copy of Made for More by Curtis Martin.  It's 116 pages covers the background of why the Bible is true. It dispels the rumors of the resurrection.  It talks about living in the Kingdom, the apostles, and Curtis shares the story of his journey back to the faith.  

Get the book and read it for yourself.  Give it away, discusses it with the next reader when they're finished.   The book is easy-to-understand, youth groups and adults will learn from it.  You can purchase a single copy or get bulk pricing here.  Amazon fans can get it here.

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