Friday, January 7, 2011

Family Life Advisory Board

We're on it.  We're looking forward to meeting the other board members, and we're excited about having the chance to be of service to the Diocese.  You can read the whole article here.

The Diocese of Sioux City’ Family Life Advisory Board has recently appointed new members that bring a well of experience and perspectives relating to marriage and family life.
Sean Martin, diocesan director of religious education, family life and youth and young adult ministry, said, “In the next year or so our task will be to discuss our current diocesan policies and practices regarding marriage preparation, comparing them with some dioceses across the country and make recommendations to Bishop Nickless based on our discussions.”
As stated in the board’s by-laws, the purpose of the Family Life Advisory Board is to be a consulting body recommending policies, practices and resources to the Bishop and the Office of Family Life pertaining to the needs of the Sacrament of Marriage and family life in the Diocese of Sioux City.
Martin pointed out that it is important to have a representation of all those in the Diocese of Sioux City involved in marriage and family life on this board.
“It is important that decisions regarding Diocesan Marriage and Family Life policies and practices are made in a collaborative effort,” he said.
The new members agreed to serve on the board for a variety of reasons.  
Father Shane Deman said, “Each day families are met with cultural challenges in maintaining a holy and healthy Christian identity.  Anything that our parishes can do to assist these families needs to be a priority.  Hopefully, new initiatives will be taken to help each Catholic household reflect to their local community a radiant love of Christ.”
Julie and Pat Storr said that while they don’t have all of the answers, they have been through a lot in their marriage.
“Our experiences as a team couple for Engagement Enrichment have been enlightening for us, also.  We've found that being a part of those events have strengthened our faith and our marriage,” the Storrs said in a written statement. “As parents, we want to pass on to our sons the importance of marriage and family life in the church.   That's our goal for our for the AFM Advisory Board, as well, and we're grateful for this opportunity.”
The family is the central structure of the parish, the church and the diocese.  With the challenges from today's society straining the family unit, they said it was more important than ever to do whatever they can to reinforce the family because when families are strong and thriving, so are churches and communities.

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