Thursday, June 9, 2011

A new deacon is ordained

It was a life-changing day for everyone there.  Lois and I went to Sioux City last Saturday, June 5, to attend the ordination of a seminarian to become a transitional deacon.

Patrick has been special to the CCW as he was installed as an acolyte at our retreat in August 2010.  It's not the HE is special, (even though he is!) but what was special was how that 2010 Mass made us so much more aware of seminarians, the price they and their families pay, and the blessings that they and their families receive and give.

What really was thought provoking at the ordination Mass was the vows.  A transitional deacon is not a permanent state, it's just practice for his new role as a priest, which, for Patrick, will come to fruition next June.  Vows for a transitional deacon are a permanent vow to live a life of obedience, celibacy and prayer for the church.

They are consecrated, or set apart (which I think is totally cool), to be sacred ministers for the worship of God and for the sanctification of all people.  Bishop Nickless laid his hands on him - I cried.  Not tears of sadness, but tears of joy for a young man who has chosen a life that holds so much more than what the world offers.  Tears of joy and gratefulness for parents who have raised such a fine man.

Congratulations, Patrick!  I hope you're my priest some day.

p.s.  I'm waiting for the archive of Patrick's radio interview.  I'll post that link as soon as it's up!


PeachyKeen said...

Beautiful Julie. Thank you so much for your heartfelt reaction. The vows were emotionally and spiritually touching for me, his mother. Also emotionally and spiritually touching was the vesting. He asked Permanent Deacon Mark Prosser and Transitional Deacon Sam Morehead to vest him. Deacon Mark has known Deacon Pat since he was a youngster and wanted to be a policeman when he grew up. (Deacon Mark is Chief of Police in Storm Lake.) Deacon Mark has watched Deacon Patrick grow up on the altar as a server and in various activities at St. Mary's school. Now, here he was helping my son to dress for the next part of his journey. Deacon Mark took the role of father. This is when I truly realized Patrick had left us, his family, left us to serve God, the Church and the Sioux City Diocese. And I never felt such joy. Not on my wedding day. Not on the day I brought him into the world. The day he was ordained was pure joy.

PeachyKeen said...

I would like to add just another note. The readers were his Godparents. How special for them to see their God son be ordained.

Julie said...

The vesting was touching. It was like he was putting on Christ. And I did not know that about Deacon Mark.

Deacon Sam will be busy next Saturday at the sacrament of matrimony of Brigid Sweeney and Seth. What an amazing feeling it must be for these holy men - sharing of the sacraments.

We also met the priest who came from Denver. They were quite pleased to hear that we knew about Endow. Do you have Sept 8-10 free for the Endow Conference in Denver? We got room!

Anonymous said...

Thank you two for sharing this special event. I was able to hear Pat's interview on the radio and knew it would be special. Unfortunately I spent the day saying goodbye to a special friend who died at the age of 47. Wish I could have been with you instead.