Monday, June 20, 2011

The "once called Father" Corapi

Egad.  Can we find any more information at all about this topic?  Sad, it's a sad deal.  Yet, something doesn't feel right.

He trademarked Black Sheep Dog in April 2010.  He's just made his big announcement, yet his autobiography is almost ready for purchase.  I won't be spending money on it.

I am not the only one who's going to let things sift through before I jump on his bandwagon.  But he's a brave man, maybe he's thinking of heading down a political path to set this country aright.  I pray he stays true to the Catholic faith.  Holy Orders aren't just given to anyone.

Here's an interesting article about the whole mess and why some of what's been said just doesn't hold water.

Discern everything.

1 comment:

Robin said...

I agree it doesn't feel right. There is something being held back, time will tell. My only question is can we still use and refer to his previous works?