Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas

It was a quiet Christmas this year.  It was nice having a holiday with just our boys, but it was lonely, too.  This year, 2010, saw the loss of an aunt and a mother-in-law, both of whom we took care of.  So, sometimes our Christmas day felt "stalled," like when should we get Monica? or Aren't we going to the home to see Alice?  I'm sure they didn't miss us that much, but I hope they said a prayer for us.

Over time, it seems like Christmas isn't the same.  Is it my age?  I still love the lights, I still cry at Christmas Eve Mass when I see families smiling and sitting together.  I thank God for the birth of his son.  Or is it because this family's been through so much, we've experienced so much loss - during the Christmas holidays.  Don't get me wrong, Christ is still in Christmas, but I've had to take time to pray and to put Christmas back in Christ.

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