Monday, November 8, 2010

Retreat - Living Stones

We had a DCCW board retreat last weekend.  The topic was Living Stones.  I have to admit that I was, at first, somewhat disappointed about being called a rock.

I drive by millions of stones every day to and from work.  Perhaps the most inanimate thing we know is - rocks.  They only get to go somewhere unless another force moves them.  They lay by the side of the road, they get hauled in trucks.  Some are pretty, a lot are pretty plain.  But what the heck is a living stone?  And, why should I be one?

Our scripture for the day was from 1 Peter 2.  After some pondering, I recalled that it was written by, duh, Peter!  And what does "Peter" means.  Rock.  I wondered if Peter liked being called a rock.  And if Peter was a Rock, shouldn't I be honored to be a stone?

A song that Fr. Jim played throughout the day was "Living Stones" by Michael Card.  Fabulous song.  It's from Card's A Fragile Stone album, here's the lyrics, you can listen here!

Living stones, living stones
We are holy, living stones
Built upon the firm foundation
That is Jesus
And as we cling to that Rock
Who became a Stumbling Block
We remember we are living stones

See, in Zion He is known
As a chosen precious cornerstone
And the ones who come to trust in Him
Will never know the shame
That He bore on that Cross when it seems
That all was lost
He is a Stone that makes men stumble
The Rock that makes them fall

By the Word of His mouth
We are made one holy house
Though we live as scattered strangers
We are not homeless, we are free
We are one family and one fold
One Overseer of our souls
Says we are His own possession
We are living stones

A good retreat stays with you.  And this one did - all weekend long.  Why do we want to be a living stone?  And what is it, really?

Check out Presentation Ministries' reflection for Nov. 9.  Now we know!  We want to be part of that firm foundation of the Church!  We're part of the foundation, but we have to be living to add more stones to the faith.  So, mystery solved.  And, if it's good enough for Jesus and Peter and the disciples, then it's good enough for me and you.


"You too are living stones, built as an edifice of spirit, into a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." —1 Peter 2:5
God's plan of salvation is to build a new temple, "an edifice of spirit" (1 Pt 2:5), the Church. This temple is not built with inanimate stones, but living ones. Jesus is "a living Stone, rejected by men but approved, nonetheless, and precious in God's eyes" (1 Pt 2:4). He is the Foundation Stone (1 Cor 3:11) and the Cornerstone (1 Pt 2:6-7). The apostles and prophets are also living stones and part of the temple's foundation (Eph 2:20-22). In a special way, the apostle Peter and his successors are a rock on which Jesus decided to build this new temple, the Church (Mt 16:18).
We "too are living stones." We can decide to become part of "this temple, to become a dwelling place for God in the Spirit" (Eph 2:22), or we can be co-opted into being part of one of the devil's strongholds (see 2 Cor 10:4). We decide to become part of the Church by believing in Jesus and His word (1 Pt 2:7-8). We express this faith by being baptized and living our baptisms. This means we witness for Jesus to lead others to Him and to His Church. We work to build up the Church and live in the community of the Church. We are faithful members of the Catholic Church through our dioceses, of our dioceses through our parishes, and of our parishes through our small communities.
Love the Church and be a faithful member of the Church.


Robin Corzilius said...

I agree a good retreat stays with you or gives you something to ponder on. One of the songs we sang at IC on Sunday morning (Christ our life, I think) in verse 4 had the words 'living stones'. Until this retreat that would have not meant much to me.

Lori said...

Living stones ... that is just so cool!

Julie said...

Living Stones still reminds me of something I may have seen on the Muppet Show, though!