Friday, August 27, 2010

Great read at CNA

I've found a great article at the Catholic News Agency.  It was written by Cheryl Dickow, who also wrote a great book for Catholic women, Our Jewish Roots.  You can read my review here, or buy it here.

So, how does one go through getting every little thing done and not lose their mind?  This article had some great advice.

Compartmentalizing for the moment

Friday, August 20, 2010

Dem Bones

There's an old song, "Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones...  Now hear the Word of the Lord."

That's what today's Old Testament reading is about.  Whenever I've heard that scripture, I've always wondered, "What the heck is that about?"  Well, today's the day!!  There's a lot to learn in today's reflections.  Take the time to meditate.  And let us not be dry bones!

Take 12 minutes and listen to this:'s reflection for day, Friday20August

Then, read this:

One Bread, One Body - Reflection for August 20, 2010


"The hand of the Lord came upon me, and He led me out in the Spirit of the Lord and set me in the center of the plain, which was now filled with bones." –Ezekiel 37:1

Ezekiel prophesied over the dry bones, and they started to rattle (Ez 37:7). Mary greeted Elizabeth, and both Elizabeth and the baby in her womb were filled with the Spirit (Lk 1:41). Peter preached at the first Christian Pentecost, and three thousand people were baptized (Acts 2:41). Ananias laid his hands on Saul, who was filled with the Spirit, baptized, and instantly healed of blindness (Acts 9:17-18).
When we prophesy, greet, preach, or pray, most of us don't seem to have such amazing results. The difference is the power of the Spirit. All Christians have the Holy Spirit in them, but many Christians have severely stifled the Spirit (see 1 Thes 5:19; Eph 4:30). Those who rattle dry bones have let the Spirit be very active in their lives.
We stir into flame the gift of the Spirit (2 Tm 1:6-7) especially by repenting of our sins (see Acts 2:38). The psalmist, for example, speaks of God's hand being on him, his bones wasting away, and his strength being dried up (Ps 32:3-4). Yet when he confessed his sins, his bones began to rattle. With the Spirit breathing life into him, he was able to rattle and give life to other dry bones.
If we can't rattle dry bones, we are dry bones. We come alive by repenting of sin. Repent!

Monday, August 16, 2010

You won't lose this rosary!

I'd heard about this, it's not very portable, though!

Bowling Ball Rosary

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Well? How was your week?

If you attended our women's retreat in Fort Dodge, and you had a trying week, do not fear.  You haven't been defeated!

Actually, quite the opposite has happened.  You've learned, been encouraged and have strengthened your faith.  That's exactly what Satan doesn't want you to do.

What to do?  Get your Bible, pray the scriptures (if you've misplaced your Steps to Prayer sheet, let me know, I have extras!) and ask St. Michael to help out with some of that spiritual warfare.

Imagine how those foremothers in the Bible were tested!  Remember the strength in what you learned, and pray for each other.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Gina's resources

Here's the list of resources that Gina used at our conference this weekend!

Dialogue of St. Catherine of Sienna (Paulist Press)

Mulieris Dignitatem, by Pope John Paul II, found on the Vatican website or EWTN's online library

Edith Stein: Essays on Woman translated by Freda Mary Oben, Ph.D.

Corrie, the Lives She Touched by Joan Winmill Brown (out of print, used copies available at
A Gift For God by Mother Teresa

Boundaries: When to Say Yes, When to Say No to Take Control of Your Life by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend

Naturally, keep your Bible and CCC handy, too!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ready to work on that prayer?

One thing we learned at our retreat least weekend, was the importance of prayer.  And, while I pray often, it's frequently a one-sided conversation.  So, I, too, will be working on the listening and the quiet side of prayer.

Check out this article, let it renew your dedication to prayer.

Retooling Prayer This Summer is at

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dignity of Women - not just another good retreat, a great one!

 Last June on vacation, it was all-testosterone all-day.  Having sons is a wonderful thing, but I was also looking forward to our DCCW retreat - a girl weekend!  And, as time has a habit of passing so quickly, our retreat was this weekend.

How wonderful it is to be with other women so excited to learn about their faith.  How great it is to meet a seminarian and share a special Mass with him.  We also appreciated hearing the Bishop thank the women for being there, and for taking the time to listen to the Spirit's call.

When the line for confession is longer than the line for lunch - life is good.  OOps!  I mean, Life is God.

Got any ideas for next year?