On Dr. Tom Curran's audio on Becoming a Magnificent Leader, he asks the question, "God, who am I to you?" It's a question I ask often when I pray. Somehow life is more comforting and secure if we know who we are to our spouses, family, co-workers and friends. But who are we to God?
Last night I happened to catch - well, it was a fluke really - the Steubenville 4 youth conference. Saw on FB that it was streaming on Cross Roads radio on Life365. I tuned in. The speaker was telling the thousands of kids there that you "can't know who you are, until you know Whose you are."
This morning, as I start the 33 Days, I also read the daily scriptures and the WAU meditation, which says, "You are precious in God’s sight, not because of what you can do but simply because of who you are. You are his child, created in love, redeemed in love, sustained in love, and destined for love." May we never forget it.