One Bread, One Body - Reflection for September 30, 2010
"The harvest is rich but the workers are few; therefore ask the Harvest-Master to send workers to His harvest." –Luke 10:2
Jesus calls us to pray for workers to gather in His harvest. At the same time He usually calls us to first accept His call to work (Lk 10:1). So we pray for workers on our way to work. While praying for workers, we go to work having provided ourselves with nothing. Jesus commanded us to trust Him completely. He said: "Be on your way, and remember: I am sending you as lambs in the midst of wolves. Do not carry a walking staff or traveling bag; wear no sandals" (Lk 10:3-4).
For years many of us have been praying for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Our prayers do not seem to have been answered. Some feel that many people are selfishly rejecting God's call. Yet possibly our prayers for vocations are not more frequently answered because we are praying wrongly (see Jas 4:3; Rm 8:26). We may be praying without working or working without trusting. We may be saying the right words but not in the right context or spirit.
Try praying for vocations God's way. Work at your own vocation – married, religious, or lay single – and then pray. Trust God in new and practical ways, and then pray. You may see your prayers for vocations answered as never before.